100 Floors is one of those puzzle games that really wreck your mind and make you desperate to do anything to pass the level. As per the title, there are 100 floors (I believe 15 more for Halloween or something- I haven't played in a while) for you to go through to reach the elevator of doom, which takes you to the next level.
The game is very unique in which it takes control of your phone to access several resources (an example is the clock) to make the games challenging to the point of mindblow. There are tons of different types of puzzles. Very rarely will you encounter the same type of puzzle again.
Google Play
Amazon Appstore
And there's an Official Cheat Guide (funny putting the "Official" in it).
Google Play
Amazon Appstore
However, when I get stumped on 100 Floors, too often I turn to the cheat guide. It will tempt you. Really.
Google Play
Amazon Appstore
And 100 Floors has a Twitter, too! Follow @100_Floors