EpicDuel Design Notes: March 7, 2012
New Gear!
Bionic Brigade!
Lucky You!
When are they coming back? Last release, they weren't here.
That concludes the EpicDuel section. (All photos were taken directly from the EpicDuel Design Notes page.
I beat the boss. I don't want to spoil something about him, so if you don't want to read spoilers, don't go to the following link. If you do, then go. The link: https://sites.google.com/site/farmkillnight28spoilers/
After you beat the game, they give you a choice whether or not to restart the game in Hardcore. Pros: You can use every weapon you have unlocked(everything).
Cons: Zombies are harder to beat.
Make this choice wisely, you will not be able to get back to it unless if you beat Night 28 again. (and that was a *hell* of a time)
By the way, I bought the Coop and Pigpen. If you don't know what they are, a Coop supplies unlimited Chicken Bombers. A Pigpen supplies unlimited Pigbulls. So now, I can do Night 1 without lifting a
So peer pressure got to me. Everyone's going on about MINECRAFTMINECRAFTDIDUBUYIT? I was stuck alone with EpicDuel. And so I made an account. I downloaded the app for the iPad. And here I am. It's actually not too bad. I like the concept of being able to remove anything, and build with materials. Sorta like Legos. Just a few complaints:
1. Minecraft people...I saw my little sister in-game and I freaked out (she was the first Minecraft person I saw in-game)
2. Wifi connections for iPhone, iPod and iPad: Seriously? We have to connect to the same network?
3. Zombies: Oh please. I thought of Pedo Bear when I first saw one.
I hate digging my little sister out of holes she created by just pointing her pickaxe in one direction and spamming the action. I'm like, build a freaking staircase! Does she care? No.