~~Minecraft-- RCEs (Remotely Controlled Explosions)
I've got two things to talk about in Minecraft today. One concerns the title and the other does not. Firstly, I will talk about the sudden overpopulation of Snow Golems in caves and apologize for any inconveniences caused.
If you've made them before, you probably know that Snow Golems are great to watch as they lob snowballs at unsupsecting zombies. They also fit in with the taiga environment. Just one issue. They melt. They melt when in contact with water, with lava (extra-hot- Snow Golems don't like spicy things), and things like that. Sure, SGs last longer in snowy environments, but just a little longer. Putting them underground solves the problem.
Proof: A test. I placed some SGs in a covered underground pit and viewed them through a trapdoor (apparently heat does not come through a trapdoor, although light does). They lived
And now for the featured presentation- RCEs, which if you didn't read the heading, are Remotely Controlled Explosions. They're really fun- I swear! It's more civilized then just making TNT-filled tunnels and blowing them up by flint and steel. I mean, the concept of the TNT tunnel is great, but why not add in a couple of Redstone Repeaters and a Redstone trail? Then, when the plate goes click, the TNT goes hiss, and the piggie goes boom, you can say that you aren't responsible for the incident, although I've heard that pigs are smart and can figure that one out. (Well, if they know, kill 'em. Nothing like some cooked porkchops to end a day full of sonic booms.)
Come on. Just try it. Here, I'll give you the pigpen to start with.
EDIT: I went ahead and bought the Energy Rapier. I can't tell how I can use it in a build just yet, because at last count (after purchase) I had 6 Credits. Now I'm wondering if I should enhance the Energy Rapier for 4 slots with the 364 Varium I have left.
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