
Blog Archive

Monday, July 2, 2012

Dumbest Bots on Earth

So here's the War.  After all of that excitement, it eventually becomes a farming process (but I didn't get anything yet).  I guess I will be posting more on the war soon, but first complaints first:  Mechachillids are dumb NPCs.
I'm serious.  Maybe they are level 35.  So what?  A strategical level 30 could easily beat them.  Why?
1) Their base damage is somewhere around 40.
2) They only deal physical attacks.
3) They have two attacks: Strike and Cheap Shot.
4) They tend to ignore you in 2vs2 when you're down on your knees (both enemy and partner).
5) That said, they tend to switch targets all the time.  It's annoying.

There's a lot more.  Just give me a while to think.
PS: Because they are such noobs, the war's going to be an easy farming process.

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