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Showing posts with label Minecraft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Minecraft. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Video Making

A new ED video:
And I just finished recording a 30-minute video of my Hardcore Island.  Gonna work on it soon.


Monday, October 29, 2012

Cube Land

Another Laura Shigihara song, but this one is based off of Minecraft.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Screen Recording

When you're making a video of anything on your computer, you can't just take any old screen camera.  You have to go look for the best one and the one that has the best quality-to-price (if any) ratio.
For general recording, I use Hypercam 2.  It was the only one I've considered using, because in the world of screen recorders, I am ignorant.  After all, it worked fine on most of my videos.  How the video actually turned out depended on the quality and my tweaking.
Over time, I've realized that all of my Minecraft videos are a bit *off* in quality, so thus began my journey to search for the best screen recorder.  I haven't tested out my latest one, FastStone, yet, though.
But anyhow- New videos!


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Chronotide: Now in Noob Mode

I'm back again sooner than you'd think.  But it's just so I don't forget anything.
I was playing Chronotide today, and I progressed a bit.

First of all- shortly after I posted my first Chronotide post, I was killed in the ruins of Wintertide by an evil spider named Spider.  So I lost a lot of important stuff- like armor and weapons.
I respawned in the ruins of Chronotide *where my bed used to be*.  Since now I had nothing- absolutely nothing- I set the difficulty to Peaceful.  Whoops, there goes the difficulty of the whole damn game.  But hey- I like playing in Peaceful.  So I continued.

The first portal I bumped into was one to Zentrium Corporation.  Zentrium Corporation, like many other areas of the game:
1) is built in the Nether.
2) is made of many different blocks.  Heck, even different wood blocks.
3) has a spooky air to it.  Maybe it was just be and my Moody Brightness level.
4) has those horrifying diary entries.
5) should have spawned Blazes when I took the Jack o' Latern.  Remember, I was playing in Noob Mode.
6) has really well-done scenery.

Ack, it reminds me of Aperture Labs from Portal. 
But moving on- your main objective there is to get a lever to open the iron doors that lead to the- no surprise!- Jack o' Lantern.  If any of you guys need help in this area, just read a book or two.  (Actually, you should always read the signed books.  They actually have a storyline to it!  Plus, there's that creep factor that makes a Creeper look lame.)

My favorite thing about this area is the room where Zentrium stores experiments.  No, not your little lame plant experiments.  You know...
Also, the fact that in the lantern room they have a Nether portal to exit (well, technically Zentrium Corp is in the Nether) the Nether and presumably go to Chronotide.  Don't try it- some obsidian has been replaced.  Plus, there's no trigger.  And if you take your Flint and Steel, find some obsidian that is mineable (you'd have to sneak in a Diamond Pickaxe), good luck.  You'll probably land in some lava.  But really, that area with the fake Nether portal is almost an exact copy of the functioning ones you find!

Next, after putting the Jack o' Lantern in its correct slot in the Chrono Crystal, I went to another cave/tunnel/thing that leads to the Nether.  This time, however, there was a (about 15-20 second drop via vine to an even lower level of the Overworld.  Then I found the Nether portal.
This one lead to the Nirgal Theatre.  I liked the streetlamps in the background (now with Glowstone!) and the fountain in front of the entrance.  And the theater itself.  The scenery in the theater is very well done.  And the stage.  And the fact that you actually have an audience while you act.  (Snow Golems FTW!)
As you probably guessed already, you have to take the role of actor in this place.  Take your props (Wooden gear and a Leather Tunic) and go onto the stage, where you (in order of action):
1) Chop down a tree (resources, everyone!  We are allowed to craft in this map!)
2) Chop down some cobwebs (I walked right past this one- not worth my time)
3) Enter the Evil Castle (Cannot be circumvented)
4) Take down the Enchantment Table (comes in handy- there are a lot of places around the game w/ bookshelves)
5) Rescue your beloved (the Jack o' Lantern) out of Bloodstone (Redstone)
6) Run away from an angry horde of mobs (Not for Noob Mode!  The Snow Golems can help keep back the mobs via snowball.)

Hmm, yeah, about it.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Messing around with Minecraft Maps

Hello all.  This time around, I'm here to tell you about how fun it is, in general, to break blocks that you aren't supposed to in custom maps.

First off: Chronotide.  I didn't do anything grieferish here, but once I got through that Nether portal, I lasted a bit longer, and then I died.  Hint, hint: It turns out after all that Chronotide is just remotely related to Windertide.  Oh yeah, I watched a Youtube vid of this map, so all the fun has been taken out for me.  But really, that is a really really good-looking map.

Next: Insanity.  This is another adventure-type map.  You're in an asylum, and you are trying to get out using your wits.  This map has an impressively creepy storyline and rooms just for Villager parodies of Youtube Minecraft celebrities. 
What did I do?  I couldn't figure out the answer at one part of the map, so I just dug my way out of the room and into a Superflat world.  Good for me.  When I actually got back on track, something screwed up one of the doorways, so for me the iron door leads to a drop 50-something blocks below.  Not my style.  But then I got back in the game via break-in (literally) and I got to the end.  I think.  Let me just say that the game is Ao Oni-style creepy.  (Don't know what Ao Oni is?  Check out my only post that is labled Ao Oni.)

Third: The Tourist.  This map was originally in a different language other than English, but it got translated and I thank the translator, otherwise I would have gotten lost to f*ck.  This map is about a guy in Paris who gets left behind when God comes to rescue all of Earth's inhabitants.  And the map is bigggg.  It might as well be Paris.  It's really well-built and I got to spend a while walking the subway tracks.  However, I can't really progress in the storyline because if the insane lag it gives this computer.

Fourth: Puzzlecraft.  There's probably more than one map of this name.  So I'm going to distinguish it by the fact that it is in Spanish.  The signs, that is.  Which means I understand nothing.  So basically I'm tinkering around with the game.  Case in point: I was stuck on a parkour puzzle.  So I dug out some wool (all those people use wool for their games) and pillared to the top.  It's giving the lag crap though.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Chronotide: First Impressions

No kidding, Chronotide is a scary game.  Either that, or I'm a wimp.  (I have homework to do, but whatever.)
First- download link & background info.  Here.
Chronotide's the sequel to Wintertide, if that rings a bell in anyone's head.  Not for me.  Not for you, either?  Okay.
I'm not quite done with Chronotide yet, but it's already an exciting game that poses the risk of having me pee my pants any moment.
^The Chrono Crystal.

^The more, the merrier.

^Didn't see this one coming.  Good luck to myself.
(I'm sorry if I spoiled anything with that last picture.)

(My god, I really have to do my homework.)

Chronotide carries the air of an adventure map, instilling in the player curiosity and well, a general adventurous feeling, but also gives fear.  In this case, fear that a zombie will come up behind you and eat your brains.  Or falling.  That's a real big one.

In the near future, I see a positive review coming.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Dropper: Level 1: Madness

Well, here I am again, after surviving Level 1.
The way Madness as built using glowstone and glass to form a spiral staircase really looks nice.  Also, the fact that the staircase was spiral and that I was falling down (as in down) confused me and screwed up my usual Minecraft reaction.  All in all, a great beginning level.
In one of the water holes you can land in at the end, there is a chest.  Open it, and there's a diamond.  Just take it.  You don't need them to win the game.  Just take it.
I'm ready for Level 2 (Fall) now.
PS: Oh, and I also like the Dropper's checkpoint system, in which retracted pistons reveal the hallway to the first drop.  Very nice system.  That way, I can visit my pet pigs. (Bigre included 9 Spawn Pigs in a chest at the beginning.  I think it's for food.  But I like pigs.)

The Dropper!

For those of you who don't know, the Dropper is a Minecraft map by Bigre.  It's pretty fun and challenging, requiring you to fall down and hit the water to survive and proceed.  I'm going to start it, and occasionally I might blog/Tweet about it.
PS: If you want to download the map, here's the link:
Have fun!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

You'll have to download this one.

What the title says.  Apparently, Blogger won't let me publish some posts that are image-heavy.  So I copied everything to a Microsoft Word file, and I uploaded it.  Here's the link.

Enjoy.  I may put up the world files.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Giant Ravines. Like Giant Ravines.

Hello.  It's seemed like an eternity since I've posted anything, but I just learned that it's only four days.  Well, I now move from the depressing topic of Soul Noob (refer to below post) to something more generally exciting: Minecraft, of course!  What other Java game gives you sweaty hands as you try to navigate a cave without falling into the who-knows-how-deep ravine?  Mix in the creeper following you, and then you're sure to have disaster, death, doom, etc. lots of fun!
Following my new discovery of Peaceful mode (I know, it took me a while), I have returned to Survival (this time in Peaceful- I know, I'm a wimp).  This difficulty mode is very good for people who have just started playing Minecraft, as all those zombies can really ruin your good old noob days.  It despawns hostile mobs, meaning that you are more or less free to run around.  Also, health regenerates (but not that fast- watch out for those notorious lava pools), perfecting the peaceful experience.  It allows players to learn that Minecraft is more than just killing mobs.  Therefore, /highly recommended for noobs/.
On my new (Peaceful) world, I've done a lot, as well as unlocking that achievement that everyone wants- DIAMONDS!  Yes, I have legitimately (meaning no InvEdit) found diamond ore and successfully mined it with an iron pickaxe!  (However, I only found one block of ore.  I imagine that when the world was created, there was more diamond in that vein, but it was cleared by the cave which happened to spawn there as well.  Stupid cave.)
There's a lot getting done down there in that cave I bumped into while mining in a staircase fashion, including
1) Trapping a sheep (Wheat lure!) in a pit- I harvest its Wool every so often.
2) Falling from my main platform straight into the ravine (I didn't die).
3) Installation of a new "base" (furnance, chest, crafting table- all of the essentials) at the place where I bumped into the cave
4) Installation of another base way below (in the ravine- all about convenience)
5) Using water to turn lava pools into obsidian pits (don't dig one block deeper)
6) Getting lost
7) Gravel mining- pointless but fun

By the way, the Infernal Infiltration War is going to released tomorrow in EpicDuel... /excited/

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The plate goes click. The TNT goes hiss. The piggie goes boom.

Some photos before I actually get into the post.

  <Staff- based off of the Lawman's Crystal Staff.
<Wrist Blades (I draw these a lot, along with swords)
  <Rare appearance of a club I drew (now you can see why I don't draw them much)- sorry for the lighting issues

~~Minecraft-- RCEs (Remotely Controlled Explosions)
I've got two things to talk about in Minecraft today.  One concerns the title and the other does not.  Firstly, I will talk about the sudden overpopulation of Snow Golems in caves and apologize for any inconveniences caused.
If you've made them before, you probably know that Snow Golems are great to watch as they lob snowballs at unsupsecting zombies.  They also fit in with the taiga environment.  Just one issue.  They melt.  They melt when in contact with water, with lava (extra-hot- Snow Golems don't like spicy things), and things like that.  Sure, SGs last longer in snowy environments, but just a little longer.  Putting them underground solves the problem.
Proof: A test.  I placed some SGs in a covered underground pit and viewed them through a trapdoor (apparently heat does not come through a trapdoor, although light does).  They lived until I accidentally spawned a Spider in there.  Since Spiders tend to jump a lot, by the time I had killed the Spider, all of the SGs had been killed and there were a couple of holes leading into the Void. Just kidding.  I mean they lived forever.  They're still there.
And now for the featured presentation- RCEs, which if you didn't read the heading, are Remotely Controlled Explosions.  They're really fun- I swear!  It's more civilized then just making TNT-filled tunnels and blowing them up by flint and steel.  I mean, the concept of the TNT tunnel is great, but why not add in a couple of Redstone Repeaters and a Redstone trail?  Then, when the plate goes click, the TNT goes hiss, and the piggie goes boom, you can say that you aren't responsible for the incident, although I've heard that pigs are smart and can figure that one out.  (Well, if they know, kill 'em.  Nothing like some cooked porkchops to end a day full of sonic booms.)
Come on.  Just try it.  Here, I'll give you the pigpen to start with.

~~EpicDuel-- Which seat should I take Which weapon should I buy?
It is a bit of an issue for me.  Three non-varium swords to choose from.  (Soon-to-be) 14,000 Credits.  For a Tactical Mercenary, the Energy Rapier seems like the way to go- for a typical tank, 5 Focus build.  The Crystal Laser Sword (I'm Exile) has +12 Strength, lending itself to some creative TLM builds- while leaving out Technology.  Rapier?  Won't even consider it (unless I desperately need something physical).  Hard choices...
EDIT: I went ahead and bought the Energy Rapier.  I can't tell how I can use it in a build just yet, because at last count (after purchase) I had 6 Credits.  Now I'm wondering if I should enhance the Energy Rapier for 4 slots with the 364 Varium I have left.
