
Blog Archive

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


If you're a Runescape player with at least 52 Defence, the title will probably seem familiar to you.  It should.  The skill Rejuvenate is widespread and abused too often.
Since Jagex is finally nerfing Rejuvenate, I can freely rant about this.  (I wouldn't have before; as I have 61 Defence and abuse the skill too.)  If you don't see why they're doing so, let me explain.
If you have used Rejuvenate before, you probably know how much it heals (40% of your maximum health, according to the description).  In any battle scenario, that's a lot, and that can shift the tide of a fight quickly.  It usually doesn't, though, because other people use it too.
Forty percent is just overpowered.  There's no other way to put it. 
And I'm pretty sure that the little stat restore thing is worth less compared to the heal. 
One minute of cooldown is too little.  (By the way- that's how long it usually takes for one to get a full adrenaline bar if they use abilities often in a battle.)  I'm glad they're increasing it to five minutes. 
Now, the other reason the J-Mods have for nerfing Rejuvenate was about something about the Grand Exchange prices.  I don't know about that part.  I don't watch the prices.

Taken from Mod Mark's post:
"This is intended to stabilise the value of these items on the GE in the short-term, and to increase their value in the long-term."

I'll be honest here.  My general reaction is something of a question mark.  I don't know.  But whatever.
Yeah, Rejuvenate really helps me.  But that all goes down the drain when I'm in Clan Wars, and everyone else is using it, too.  (No really, it gets annoying.  We have to pile someone when they use Rejuvenate to kill them.)  I even bring a shield and a warhammer in addition to my regular 2h so I can take advantage of Rejuvenate when I hit 100% adrenaline.
Well, at least that's over. 


Sunday, December 30, 2012

Ace of Spades: First Impressions (and 0.75 Beta)

The first thing I noticed about Ace of Spades is that it's pretty close to Roblox.

Really close.  I mean, when I played Roblox, people made worlds where you would do exactly the same.  Exactly.  Except there was more freedom in creating the world.  As long as you had sufficient knowledge of Perl, you could literally make anything.  I'll be honest here- why didn't Roblox become this famous?

But this is not about AoS versus Roblox, so that discussion will be another blog post.  Anyway, Ace of Spades isn't bad.  So I'll start there.

First- it's a FPS (first person shooter).  As a general rule, I am not good at first person shooters.  Actually, horrible.  It's because you're in first person.  You can't see omnidirectional.  That by itself is okay.  (If it wasn't, I wouldn't be playing Minecraft.)  But coupled with long-distance weapons (bows don't count, Minecraft is about more than that), I can't take it.  I'm okay with third-person shooters (namely, Pawn Tactics), but FPS is another thing.

Second- you can build.  It sounds like Minecraft right around here (this is why people say that AoS is a mix of Minecraft and Team Fortress), where you can build to your heart's content.  For the game itself, this is what differs it from other FPSs, in my opinion.  Of course, used correctly, this is a tactical advantage.

I'm waiting for PrizeRebel to process my custom order of the released game.  But while I was waiting earlier today, I played the 0.75 Beta, which is free.  I believe that this post will be more about the 0.75 Beta, because I actually have played it.

Right off the bat, I realized that I would have to get the hang of this quickly.  There was no tutorial, which, in my opinion, is essential to (almost) every game.  So, thumbs down in that category.  In the Beta, they just throw a list of controls at you.

I didn't want to mess up early in my AoS playing, so I chose a random server and decided to spectate instead of fight.  (To be honest, I didn't see the 'Spectate' option coming.  It's like Clan Wars in RuneScape that way.  I like it.)  It served well to let me learn about the controls.

In Spectate mode, you are in a perpetual Fly mode (think Minecraft) of sorts.  The default controls are the same (good old WASD).  The only noticeable difference was the lack of a main use for the Shift key.  Still, I liked that.  Also, I'm still wondering whether or not one spectating can be sighted by those actually on the teams.  (I ran into the line of fire more than once.)

The servers seemed normal enough.  Just like Minecraft.  I noticed, though, that there is no Single Player Mode.  So there was no way for me to learn the ropes by myself.

I joined a server and luckily embarrassed no one on my team.

But that was the beta.  I'm looking forward to the actual released game.


Sunday, December 23, 2012

On Dungeoneering With Other People

What a boring title.  I know.  It sounds like a title for a speech.

But really, Dungeoneering with others is much different that going alone.  I usually go alone, because

1) Partners are not always reliable
2) Some people do not wait for me to finish skilling
3) It takes a while to get a partner
4) General lack of patience
5) Potentially quicker

But when you go as a group,

1) It is more fun
2) You get that teamwork feel (the very same as the one in Clan Wars)
3) Shared skilling xp (though not much)
4) Go in a large dungeon (lots of work)
5) You can show off your skills (if you have any)

I'm writing this mainly because of the teamwork thing, though.  I consider it the most important.
Today, I decided to go Dungeoneering, as usual.  I did a few dungeons alone, as usual.  Then I went onto World 7.  (W7 is the official Dungeoneering world.)  Someone invited me, and because I would go dungeoneering anyway, I accepted.  Then, that someone (Boulderbare) collected two others before the four of us went down.
Together, the four of us only did one dungeon.  I don't remember much because it was the first, but there was this guy who was always low on health (1-5%), so I had to feed him a crapload of food (and consequently got the Medic achievement at the end of the dungeon).  There was a level 105 who didn't die frequently, much to my surprise.  And Boulderbare had high skill levels in almost everything.  She got us past almost all of the doors (I'm talking about all of the dungeons we did) except for one that required 105 Runecrafting.  Ha, you can't make potions in F2P worlds in Daemonheim.
So we finished the first dungeon, and started the next.  Immediately, two guys bailed out (I expected them to, a lot of people do this).  Two of us was not enough for the Follow the Leader puzzle in the next room, so we left the dungeon and she reinvited me once we were outside.  This time, she pulled together a crew of five.  We went back in.
I remember this party more clearly-
(In order of invitation)
1) Boulderbare- Party Leader
2) Dragon 09853- Me
3) B I G E
4) like a ghost
5) Villian155

I more or less learned everyone's strengths.  Boulderbare was good at everything (that we needed), I mostly skilled but from time to time worked as a ranger and high-level monster soloer (everyone else was unlocking rooms, and I cleared them out.)  There was this one time that I was ranging a level 134 Icefiend alone (For comparison- I'm level 125, my ranged level is 47, and I was using a Spinebeam longbow with Fractite arrows.).  It took me around 5 minutes to kill it (thanks, Rejuvenate- it's seriously OPed).  Villian was a skiller.  B I G E and like a ghost were the relentless fighters, always pushing forward (and making me heal them).  Very fun- I should do this more.
At the end of a couple of dungeons, we added each other to our friends lists.  In fact, Villian155 was on about 5 minutes ago.

PS: Got an UGC ($10).

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Videos+ Moar RuneScape

I've more or less gotten the hang of EoC, so now I don't feel noobish in RuneScape.  I went to the Wilderness yesterday (specifically, Forinthry Dungeon, aka the Revenant Spot) for fun.  Of course, I didn't go in full rune (I don't have that much money to waste).  I went in full iron I had smithed and I picked up a steel sword along the way.  I killed Revenant imps (lowest-level revs), hoping to get Corrupt Dragon.  Well, of course, I got none.  Cool.
I found out that PrizeRebel is legit yesterday when I redeemed an Ultimate Game Card code from there for RuneCoins in RS.  Being the vain RS player that I am (gold-trimmed armor and all), I spent my (hard-)earned RuneCoins on TokHaar Warlord, which doesn't look that bad.  I also bought the title "The Untouchable", because I am a Defense tank.  (My friend reminded me at school today of the Untouchables in ancient India.  Basically, they were the lowest social class, and did the disgusting work that you might expect a janitor to do.  In short, totally different topic.)
If I decide to spend my next UCG on RuneCoins (who knows- I might need some Varium for Omega when it's released), I'll probably get the Solarius Shield (may have spelled wrong) and the Brutal Longsword.  Or maybe I'll wait for cooler stuff to come out.
I know that essentially, everything in Solomon's Store is vain/aesthetic/cosmetic, but I don't like the idea of membership, because I'm usually not sure when I can use a computer- aka not a daily basis.  And besides, with things like membership, once you stop it, it's as if you never had membership.  You'll have to continue the membership to continue your "experience" and continue using your "member stuff".  It's like the addiction of Varium- once you start, you can't stop.  However, with RuneCoins, you can, or at leastst in my opinion.
PS: The ~ is called a tilde.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

On Skilling in RuneScape

I'll say this about skilling- as long as you don't empty your inventory (how wasteful!), it makes you feel productive.

Well, I felt productive, burning logs and polluting the Earth (both virtually and physically) as I trained my Firemaking skill one day.  On that morning, my Firemaking level was 31.  When I went to sleep that night, it was 50.  Is there any argument as to the fact that Firemaking is probably the easiest skill to train in RuneScape?  It's also the most mindless one ever since bonfires were introduced.
If you're wondering why I would cut down logs just to burn them (I'm not really a Firemaking noob, I strongly lean towards combat skills), there happened to be some people in Draynor Village training their Woodcutting.  Dropping the logs onto the ground.  Horrible.  Wasteful.  So I decided to get some xp and I burned the logs like crazy.  (It also helps that I had to do my math homework IRL.)

I would get into how bonfire rewards are mostly crappy, but that's off-topic.

Now onto Mining and its brother skill, Smithing.  Collecting the raw materials required for Smithing is where Mining comes in.  Sure, maybe mining iron ore isn't all that fun, but I do feel good making iron armor and weapons and then selling it at the Grand Exchange.  You know, helping out the low-level noob community.

Of course, everyone knows that people train Firemaking because they want that cape and that skilling gets old eventually.  Heck, did you miss the Evolution of Combat?  Or are you a skilling pure?


DRAFT POST- EpicDuel- Thanksgiving Day Weapons- Swords, Part 1

 Note: Publishing as is.  I know that the Soul Hawk section is not complete, but I will never finish this.

Oh, by the way...
There is no point in reviewing each weapon- all of the Physical class-specific weapons have the same stat+requirement layout, as do the Energy ones.  The only exception here are the swords and the auxiliaries.  Therefore, I will stop posting these pictures of class-specific Thanksgiving day weapons, as there will be no review to follow.  I'm just going to skip to the swords.

Four weapons and one ice cream sandwich (yum) later...
Okay, now onto the swords.

Autumn Sword
In a rare occurence, EpicDuel has released a weapon for the under-level-35 group.  In this case, for level 22 to 26.  That's low, lower than the third Suggestion Shop, which was packed with not-at-the-level-cap weapons.
The Autumn Sword's stats (+6 strength, +5 dexterity, +4 technology) make it a good general weapon for a level 26 and maybe even a strength sword.  It's cheap, cheap compared to what most mid-levels have in their credit funds (5500 credits).  The only requirement which seems out of the ordinary is 36 dexterity.  All in all, if you have a low-level, get it.

Bounty of Souls
Look at the AQW-like art here- the skull is not as sophisticated as ED's.
But whatever- the stats on this sword (+10 Dex, +7 Tech, +7) are overly general.  The only way this can get worse is +6/+6/+6/+6.  Seriously.  But if you find some use in it, go ahead and get it.
The requirements themselves aren't too interesting.  35 Strength, 30 Technology, 30 Support.  Doesn't seem very flexible.

Golden Harvest
This sword has really got it done strength-wise.  +15 is a bit OPed, I say.  On the def/res stat side, it's got +5 Technology, but no Dexterity, so fear not, unless your opponent also has some dex-heavy weapons.  As an oddball stat, there's also +8 Support.  These stats remind me of the Ebil Hazard Husk (+10/+0/+4/+6).  Maybe a primary weapon for the Ebil Hazard Husk?
Still, the requirements are very easy to fulfill.  40 Strength will obviously be surpassed if this is used for a strength build.  35 Dexterity might be a bit tougher for extreme strength, but it's doable.
All in all, if you're a strength build you might want this sword.  If you jump builds all the time, like me, who knows, you might need this.
Macabre Harvest
This sword is the energy equivalent of the Golden Harvest.  As such, it's decked out in the typical blue color scheme of energy weapons.  I see two skulls peeking out of the sides, but the big plant-thingy on the hilt (a few searches later, it's formally called the crossguard) really takes away any signs of deadliness the skulls may represent.
It has 15 Dexterity, similar to how the Golden Harvest has 15 Strength.  8 Technology is present to further support the 'tank' image.  5 Support is used as an offensive attack stat, supporting the auxiliary a bit.
Now for the requirements.  40 Strength may be a little tough for a true tank.  However, if it's a 5 Focus build, then you're covered.  35 Technology shouldn't be a problem, tank or not.

Sickle of the Harvest & Soul Sickle
These two parallel sickles cover the lower noobs, as in the 15-25 range.  They only cover Dexterity and Technology, and in the predictable format.  Sickle of the Harvest (Physical) has +10 Dexterity and +4 Technology, a weapon for aspiring tanks.  However, Soul Sickle (Energy) should be easier to use, as +10 Technology and +4 Dexterity offers more build possibilities than the first.  
Even though they are low-level weapons, each is still 550 Rarity Score, the typical non-varium score.
Sickle of the Harvest requires 30 Strength, 25 Dexterity, and 25 Technology.  I think that maybe 30 is too high a number.  Soul Sickle requires 25 Strength, 25 Dexterity, and 30 Technology.
Good for the low-levels.

Soul Hawk

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Oh hai dere RuneScape.

Well guys, it's offical.  I'm back in RuneScape.
I went to check out the Thanksgiving event.  The bad part is that I didn't find it.  The good part is that I have become absorbed in RuneScape again.  Namely, figuring out what is new.
So here I shall say what I have found thus far:

1) The Evolution of Combat.  It's taking me a while to get used to this whole thing...
I mean really...
1a) Why does armor give health?  DAFUQ?
1b) Speaking of health, what is the frickin formula to determine health now (before modifiers)?  With full rune, I now have 5920 health.  Listen up, guys: Five years ago, that was 49.  But then, 15 was great damage, and 99 was the max health (100 with constitution cape).
1c)This might not be about combat, but the armors and weapons got a really nice graphic rehaul.
1d) How do you use abilities?
1e) Weapons have preset damage?
1f)Kayle(dude from the Blood Pact quest or something like that)'s weapon has been changed for the second time.  Originally, he had a shortbow.  Then, RS changed it to a sling to make it more noob-friendly(no arrows required).  Now, what's this?  Kayle's Chargebow?
1g)Do you realize that daggers are the only offhand weapons that F2Ps can have?

2)Sam whatever's general store.  Has RS finally moved up and gotten the equivalent of ACs, Varium, Nova Gems and so on with their... RuneCoins?
2b)I haz run out of RuneCoins after buying that Flamebrand Bow thing
2c) Goddamn it they need an earning system for RuneCoins

3)Smelting+cooking interface+probably more.


Friday, November 23, 2012

EpicDuel- Thanksgiving Day Weapons- The Clubs

ED's Wednesday release was pretty rare.  Mid-week releases only happen when something needs to get done early.  Such as, in this case, the Thanksgiving day release.  After all, the normal release day is Friday and Thanksgiving this year was on a Thursday.  But anyway- these Thanksgiving weapons are an interesting cache.  One thing I would like to note, though- overabundance of strength.  Actually, another- this release had 18 weapons.  That's gotta be a record.  Also, 18 is a lot, so I probably will have to split this up  (lack of time, can't do all in one sitting).

Let's start with the Clubs:

Soul Squasher
I like the design of this club, in particular how the artists (I can smell AQW from this one) took the physical club, Squash, changed the color scheme (blue-purple is the universal energy color apparently), stuck in a skull, and called it another weapon.  That must of been one hell of a time crunch.

This club, and its brother, Squash, seem to be suited for the support crowd of Mercenaries.  After all, Soul Squasher offers a +6 to dexterity, a +9 to technology, and a +12 to support.  It's been a while since I saw a Support-themed weapon with +12.  Kind of high, but there are other highs here in this weapon cache.

The requirements are mehh.  40 Dexterity, in my opinion, is a bit high for a Support Mercenary.

I like the design of this weapon.  The artists over at AQW have taken the cornucopia and added the distinct flavor of AQW to it.  After all, I don't exactly feel Nightwraith's drawing style here- it's got to be someone else.

Anyhow, as I stated above, seems to be for the Support people out there.  The only stat change in Squash is that it offers physical damage as to the Soul Squasher's energy and that it offers +9 dex and +6 tech.  Oh, and 40 strength is a requirement.  Is this really intended to be for Support Mercenaries?  Doesn't seem like it.

PS: Splitting this up into sections so I can feel like I actually get something done inbetween all my battles with the Heavy Mechachillid.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Infernal Android or Rusted Assault Bot?

Upon looking into my "traffic sources" window today, I found a search keyword that led someone to my blog- Infernal Android or Rusted Assault Bot?

Yeah, that's a good question.  Android or Rusted?  Out of all of my characters (disabled ones included), only one (out of three I use most often) has the Rusted Assault Bot- Merc1225.  However, I did not get the RAB for ReconnaisX primarily because the RAB (get used to it- I'm too lazy to type the whole name out) does not offer a whole lot of strategy.  (Just fixing a debuff.  Compare that to nomming an opponent's unmissables and disabling them for two rounds, or maybe protecting yourself in a bunch of thorns that reflect damage.  Fixing a debuff is pretty simple and straightforward.)  Also, I'm not the most efficient Credit grinder.

However, I still remember when the Rusted Assault Bot was first released alongside the Second Suggestion Shop.  Non-variums were more or less dancing for joy.  Well, I first obtained Varium (on Merc1225, the 2500 Varium package) solely because I wanted a robot.  As it was around wintertime, I got the Baby Yeti.  In most cases, the RAB outperforms the Yeti.  After all, you don't see a Support abuser every battle.  But that's off-topic.  Anyhow, when the RAB was released, I was a bit sour about it, seeing as I used (not wasted) 1900 varium on a pet that *would be following me in-game had Cinderella bitten Titan enough*.  (Not that I actually expected that, of course.)  Whatever.  And, why yes, off-topic.

Okay.  The RAB is good for general fixing of debuffs.  If you haven't noticed yet, debuffs are pretty common in battles, so it's an all-around good bot.  The price- 14,000 Credits, like a top-notch (but no Varium-par stats) nonvarium weapon.  Really, not bad.  And then there's that chance for it to drop in battle.  Just one setback- the base damage is 8-12.  Titan really meant the 'rusted' thing there.  The base damage is scraping the bottom of the barrel.  However, I think it may be possible to have a Tank build using this robot.  The RAB might not help much with its ability- you are a freaking tank- but in 2vs2, it could help your partner.  It mixes the high bot damage that tanks normally get (my highest- 28-32+30, but that was Tech abuse on ReconnaisX) with the low base damage of the RAB.  Even if you have 14k, don't get this just yet- the Infernal Android is a worthy competitor.

Now, the Infernal Android.  This was released in August to commemorate the end of the Infernal War (more like throwing all of my characters at the Vault and the Vault just IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZER).  The 'cool' factor that attracted lots of people was that it more or less catered to all of the population- for nonvariums, a Varium-par robot for just 14,000 Credits.  For variums, just 500 Varium.  No Credits needed!  It's currently the only bot to have two different styles of payment (refer to my last post on weapon pricing).
But what really attracted people was the special ability- Moar damage over time!  It was actually very overpowered at the initial release, abused by lots of people for 'fast damage' and 'quick kills'.  It reached normal damage at Round 3 and hit the damage cap (160%) at Round 7.  The devs fixed and nerfed it, making it reach normal damage at Round 5 and hitting the cap at Round 15.  It's still a great bot though.

So, in a nutshell: Infernal Android for Tanks/5 Focus, Rusted Assault Bot for general use.


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Weapon Pricing in EpicDuel

There are seven kinds of main prices in EpicDuel:
1) Varium-only
2) Credit and Varium
3) Credit-only
4) High Credit-only
5) Credit and Low Varium
6) Credit and High Varium
7) High Credit and High Varium

I shall go through all these, because of the recent prices for certain things in ED.
NOTE: When I talk about price, I am talking about it from the viewpoint of a general level 30+ person.

1) Varium-only
Very convenient paying option if you have varium but are too lazy to earn credits.  This payment style is only a few months old.  The item bought has the same stats as its high-credit counterpart.
Cardboard Crusader (1225 Varium)
Harbinger Husk (1225 Varium)

2) Credit and Varium
This is one of the older, more traditional ones.  The prices usually are 12,000 Credits and 995 Varium, with the exception of a few promotions.
Machine Blaster (12k Credits, 995 Varium)
Dragon Buster II (15k Credits, 995 Varium)
E Megalablades (12k Credits, 995 Varium)
Megalazooka (12k Credits, 995 Varium)

3) Credit-only
This, for a long time, was the only way for non-variums to get their gear.  Items bought using this pricing were at non-varium par, and not as useful as varium weapons.  Typical prices are 14k to 15k  Credits, with 12k for some lower-leveled weapons.
Crysaliss (15k Credits)
Celtic Claws (14k Credits)
Frost Scimitar (14k Credits)
Hazard Blaster (15k Credits)
Soul Harvester (14k Credits)*
Dread Cannon (12k Credits)*
*Do you even know what these are?  I might do a blog post on them and other related weapons.

4) High Credit-only
This is what is bringing non-variums up to par with variums.  It costs a lot, more than non-rare bikes.  I can barely afford this, as I don't play ED much.
One-Eyed Axe (30k Credits)
E Charbinger Sword (35k Credits)
Harbinger Husk (28k Credits)

5) Credit and Low Varium
All of these weapons have varium prices under 500.  Most of them are sold at Zedmyr.
Mjolnir 2 (13k Credits, 295 Varium)
Crab Crushers (13k Credits, 295 Varium)
Twin Phoenix Staff (13k Credits, 295 Varium)

6) Credit and High Varium
These are usually promotions.
Azrael's Curse (14k Credits, 1200 Varium)
Bionic Battlegear (14k Credits, 1200 Varium)
Frost Destroyer (14k Credits, 1200 Varium)
Frost Slayer (12k Credits, 1395 Varium)
Delta Knight (14k Credits, 1925 Varium)**
Platinum's Pride (14k Credits, 1695 Varium)**
**Look at those Varium prices. 

7) High Credit and High Varium
For the most expensive of the most expensive.  Obviously, all were promos at one time.
Frostbane (20k Credits, 1500 Varium)
Azrarel's Bane (20k Credits, 1500 Varium)
Celtic Cleaver (20k Credits, 1500 Varium)


Multiplayer Minecraft

So it turns out Multiplayer can be both good and bad.  I invited my older sis to one of my servers today shortly after lunch to show her around one of my giant "base" networks.
As it was, my sister likes to build in Minecraft, and only that.  She has close to no experience mining, and even less fighting.  To top it all off, she always plays in Creative.  However, my server was Survival, but it was in Peaceful mode.
We explored a lot of caves, hung around one of my houses, and I learned that:
Pros of having people behind your back
1) Someone is out there looking out for you
2) Two people are better against mobs than one
3) I can use commands to troll my sister (/tp PlayerName x y z), where y=256
1) Someone is out there looking for you possibly ready to kill you (my sister and I teamed up, so no PvP- besides, she sucks at fighting)
2) Griefing
3) Someone else takes all those diamonds :(

But she adapted well.  I handed her a pickaxe, and soon she could mine, too.
We mined a lot, enough to give my sis a full iron set (which actually isn't that much).  I found my original jungle base where I had first spawned in the world.  My sister got stuck in my pigpen, but oh well.  That's what /tp is for.
As a side note, I could have done all of the things I listed in the Con list do my sister.  She wouldn't have a chance- I was the server owner.

PS: Don't worry, I still do play ED.  Just find it a little boring for now.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Finishing Chronotide- A Bunch of Photos

*Contains Pictures*
Hey all.  It's been a long day Minecraft-wise.  I was finishing Chronotide and breaking a whole lot of rules.
So I came back to the ruins of Wintertide.
They won't mind if I loot their house, right?
Fire Cannon!
Button Decorating
The big moment...
Running back with my hard-earned Jack O Lantern.

The sewers...
Spiders, maybe?
It should be a bit obvious what to do with this door...
Joe's got that feeling...
Joe's place.  Real fancy.
Is this the lever place?
What's this?
Yeah, that seems to be happening a lot around here.
Piston at work?
After some careful excavation...
Welcome to Developerland.
Messing with the Dispensers in Devland.
Red light?
Breaking rules...literally.
What's that?
I'm on a boat.
A fishing hook can break a boat?
Back up the chute.
Don't ask how I got that one.
Target spotted.
Wha?  This looks familiar.
Holy sh*t!
 Why so many Crafting Tables near each other? #convenience
 What a bed.
 Jenny herself of Jenny's Perfumery!
Dang, real optimistic.
 Precious stuff!
 Dentists across USA agree.
 Technically, it should work.
Note the villager in the left.  These guys appear and disappear throughout all parts of the game.
 From the Suits Emporium.
 Changing rooms?

 That's real nice of you to say.
 The Euro Symbol!
 Not so secure anymore.
 Fate is in my bucket!
 Is that supposed to say "Die" too?

 No doubt there.
 Back security measures.
 The culprit is found!
 Note: The lever did not work.
 So I had to craft a pressure plate.
 The pumpkin!
 I wish I had made a Iron Pickaxe now.
 Another plate for the way back.
 Had to break and enter.  Sorry.

 I thought it wasn't nice to read diaries.

 Check out my gold boots.

 Woah there.
 Note the book for a head.

 A rose for her memory.
 Oh wow, thanks.
 Here it is!
 Another "body".

 Grave robbing.
 He died fighting zombies with a bow and arrow.  And his head is a book.
 How to read a head.
 The stupid solution.

 My old arrows.
 Broke the water barrier.
 RIP Porky.
 I'm in DevLand again.
 LOLOLOL I dug into the Nirgal!
 How I got through.
 Don't fall off, don't fall off.
 Changing to Creative.  Finally.
 From the top of the Chrono Crystal.
 Great picture.

 Does not look good.  Does not look good.
 This does not look like the End.
 The repaired Chrono Crystal.
There were a lot of well-crafted buildings out there.

At the end of the game, a dispenser was supposed to spawn a lot of villagers resembling citizens of the city.  However, I broke a couple of redstone circuits.
