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Showing posts with label Minecraft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Minecraft. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


This post is a bit different from others, because I finally played some more Aurum Blade.  Just saying.

~Aurum Blade~ Powerleveling (36 to 47)
A few days ago, I managed to get my hands on my mom's iPad and started to play Aurum Blade, because I make an effort to keep in touch with games I'm blogging about.  (What happens when I don't do that?  Well, I haven't played Angry Birds in a while.)  I managed to beat the Chaos Golem, a level 30 boss, at level 41.  I advanced a few more floors and right now I am currently at floor 12.
Unless you've actually played Aurum Blade before, you might be wondering just what I'm talking about.  Well, the only way to understand what I say is to play the game!  I think I mentioned this in my other post about AB (yes, I know, Angry Birds is also AB, but it's Aurum Blade I'm talking about here)- Aurum Blade is $0.99 on the App Store, and yes, it is worth the money (even though I didn't pay for it- I snagged it while it was free for a while).
Okay, from here on to maybe the last word of the AB part of this post, I'll assume that you bought AB and you started a new character.  (I'll pull some information and pictures from here.)
I can't tell you which character to start with- you'll have to pick on your own.  There are three characters to pick from- Allen, Sigmund, and Enoshu.  My main character is Allen, my secondary Sigmund.  (There are only three save slots, and three characters, so you can have one character to one slot.)  I'll just let you know that
/begin quote from Aurum Blade Site/-------------------------------
Allen : Allen is specialized in one handed weapons. He is fast but has weak damage. To compensate for this, it is important to increase his critical damage.
Sigmund : Sigmund is slow but has very strong power with two handed weapons. His strong attack power results in high critical damage but lacks in critical rate.
Enoshu : Enoshu uses staffs and wands. She is specialized in magic powers requiring more INT stats.
/end quote/--------------------------------------------------------- 
And that Enoshu has a general lack of defense.

Okay, let's say that now you chose your character.  Now onto the game itself.  The beginning takes place in Shining Dawn Village.
The details are kind of hazy, since it's been a while, but I think that the game starts with Gordon, a bald evil guy (I know, sounds funny) asking (you know, in a mean way- he's not very polite) Simon (a guy semi-important to the story) to "hand over the girl".  He keeps on refusing (something like that) and then Duke Marduk (the evil head honcho) arrives.  The townspeople resist (that is, three) and then (apparently) Marduk gets pissed off.  He turns the three (so much for resisting) townspeople into skeletons.  (Fun.)  
This is when I get confused.  All I remember after this is (in no order) that "the girl", Celty, turns herself in (/startsarcasm"because she can't have people dying for her"/endsarcasm), the hero (you) appears and your first joyful assignment is to fight off three level 1 skeletons, and Marduk leaves with Celty for the Philosopher's Tower, a huge tower that has a lot of floors and happens to be conveniently located just north of Shining Dawn.
You can tell (by my sarcasm and the amount of parentheses used) that I'm not the most accurate source of the storyline (at least the beginning).  If you want a more accurate account, go and buy the game!  Just do it.

~ED~ The Blueprint Scraps finally have a use!

Weapon preview 2
Weapon preview 1

^ :O The weapons are finally (actually, almost) here!

In this part of my blog post, I will pick and take apart a rare DNs from Nightwraith.

First things first- To obtain access to these weapons (which you may or may not be drooling over right now) you need four Blueprint Scraps.  A few weeks ago, during the Bionic Battalion Saga, I talked a bit about the "mysterious Blueprint Scraps" and how it was a separate mission chain from the main BB Saga one.  Well, now, they're not so mysterious, and we can finally use them.  After obtaining all four (the last mission chain-yes, chain- to get the last Scrap is way harder compared to the others), you're to go to Silas Auer or the Lawman, depending on your alignment.  After completing the mission "The Bigger Picture" (get it?), you'll get a Locker Key for your alignment.  The Locker Key unlocks your alignment-specific shop.

Now for the weapons.  As said on the forums, the majority of the weapons will be credit only, and regardless of appearance, there are equal physical and energy weapons with parallel stats.  Just one thing about the actual release of these weapons ticks me off:
"Because this system is new and we want everyone to be aware of how it works and where to get Blueprint scraps, we are delaying the release of these weapons until next week."

And now for the art.  Great job Disturbed!  In my opinion, though, the blue colored weapons look much better than the red.  Or maybe it's just me favoring colors.

Yes, finally, a post on Minecraft!  But this time only because I love destroying NPC Villages.

A few weeks ago, I found an NPC Village.  There are several things I did with it and will do (chronological order):

1. The Burning- Initial casualties (only villagers- interesting...) and most wood-based blocks removed from Village
2. The Repopulation- I introduce roughly 300 chickens to the Village.  I think they love it.
3. The Bombing (CURRENT PHASE)- I'm rigging landmines throughout the (already ruined) village.  I don't set the TNT off, the chickens do!  It makes it all the more fun to see the chickens blow themselves up!  (I know, I sound so cruel.)
4. The Discovery- I plan to completely kill off the chickens, then I will introduce about 5-10 Villagers, who I pretend are adventurers who have discovered the ruins of a once-great cilvilzation.  (It's all about the storyline.)

And maybe that should be it?  The Villagers settle, have kids, blah, blah.

I do have another segment on MQ coming up later, but for now, I need to publish this because it's getting late and I don't like draft posts.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Minecraft Journals- Day 56

Nick chomped on a cooked porkchop he had brought along to the Nether, turning the page.
It's raining.
While I was planting seeds today, the sky visibly darkened.  Anyhow, I continued to plant until the first drops of rain hit my nose.  Putting the sack of seeds and the hoe to the side for another day, I rushed back in the house. 
Not all of the dogs would follow me.  Dogs 1 through 5 seem to be convinced that in this dark light, monsters will spawn, and someone must protect the house.  I hope they're okay.  Dog 7 is guarding her dugout so no monsters will hide there.  Dog 6 is managing to sleep on my bed, even through all of this rain.  Dog 8 is in my lap now, whimpering.  I shouldn't think about this now.  I'm going to feed Dogs 6 and 8.
Was that thunder?
Closing the book, Nick suddenly remembered that he had to leave the Nether.  This world was taking a toll on him- he longed for a drink of fresh water.  Standing up, he brushed the netherrack dust off of him and started to make preparations.
The Ghast was on the horizon.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Moar Minecraft!

Hey guys, due to a lack of a release in EpicDuel(sorry guys, outdated sentence, they just released the fresh DNs), I've temporarily switched over to Minecraft, as it offers more excitement at the moment.
Well then, let's get started...

I've been working on the railroad...
I can't believe it took me so long to discover minecarts and railroad tracks.  Sure, I found tracks in Abandoned Mine Shafts, but exploring the shaft itself was so much more fun.
But one night (at least in Minecraft) I found another cave.  My first instinct was to explore it (and probably risk getting lost).  But then, I came up with something.  Why not put a railroad through it?  All the blocks were already removed.
So I started railroad work with just regular rails.  Since I had no idea what Detector and Powered Rails did (and I still don't understand what Detector does) I stuck to regular rails.  That put me at a disadvantage.
At the beginning of my track, on the surface, there's a line of track sloping down to give the minecart energy for the rest of the ride.  The rest of the track, underground, went well as long as the cave led downward.
The next day at school, I learned what a Powered Rail is.  When I got home that day, I started a new track-laying expedition in another cave, this time with the help of the Powered Rail.  I abandoned the project today, because some caves seem to go on forever, ya know?  But when it comes to collecting resources, I still prefer to send my logs down the river.

Where's the Welcome mat?
For the past few days, I've been working on a house.  It's relatively simple- the main building material is Wooden Planks.  It looks ugly, mainly because I am not an exterior designer.  I'm not sure on whether or not I should remove the windows, because my house in in a Superflat world and small slimes like to cram themselves into my glass panes, ruining any chance of an outside view I might have.  (If I had a view anyway, it would just be more Slimes, ha.)
The house resembles an apartment building.  It just goes straight up as I add more floors.  But for now, the first floor has the only door and the workshop.  The workshop consists of a couple of furnaces (why one when you can do four?) and a pool of water to cool heated stuff.  I would have put in lava like in NPC villages, but, you know, my house is highly flammable.  I even caught some fire once.  Luckily, I had some water.
My second floor is ruled by the animals.  The pets in this house, about ten dogs and half that many cats, are numerous.  You usually can't go up the stairs to the second floor without bumping into one.  And I swear, puppies born on the first floor always immediately jump up the stairs to the second.
When I was completing the second floor, I was placing some wooden planks on the wall when all of a sudden, I found a kitten and a puppy next to me on the wall.  That was when I learned about the sometimes unfortunate teleporting ability of tamed pets.  It's great if you're a nomad, always on the go.  It's horrible if you have a house that is not yet completed and that is located in a world full of Slimes.  So I make all my dogs and cats sit.  It seems to be working.
The second floor has a doghouse animal house and multiple chests, in which I put things.  There's the stairs leading up the roof, also.
On the roof, I have an assorted collection of chocolates farm animals who seem to have a gift for naturally reproducing.  I have a lone tower that I use for security lookouts (hint, hint: zombies).  I also have the bridge on my ceiling to the Snow Fort, but that's a whole other paragraph.
Now for the whole other paragraph.  But before I tell you one thing about my Snow Fort, I need to tell you about Snow Golems.
Snow Golems are made like this:
Easy, right?  Oh yeah, you have to actually build it on the ground, like iron golems.  You don't need a crafting table for this.
So snow golems have next to no use, but it's good fun to watch them.  What they do is if they spot a hostile mob, they start chucking snowballs at it.  The snowballs normally deal no damage to mobs, but they push the mob back.  A line of snow golems surrounding your house is a good first line of defense.  However, what little pros snow golems have is rivaled by cons as well.
Snow golems have three hearts, so they don't have a lot of health to spare.  They will eventually melt, faster if they are in the desert.  Something that I found surprising is that if an Iron Golem accidentally gets in the way of fire and is hit by a snowball, the iron golem will slay the poor snow golem who threw the snowball.  Pity, or else I would have had an excellent defense system.
So back to my Snow Fort.  It's a creeper blast hole that I coated it with snow *to make the Snow Golems feel more like home*.  I designated it as the place where I would spawn my Snow Golems.  Since I also wanted Iron Golems, I put walls of snow.

I know this sounds abrupt, but guess what, this was a draft (several days old).  Well, guys, to be continued.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Introducing... EpicDuel short stories!

Hey guys.  Did you see the Picture day post yet? =)
Anyway, I'm gonna be officially introducing a new line of short stories... those revolved around EpicDuel and Delta V!
Much of my content will draw from the sagas and wars.  EpicDuel is easier material to work with than Minecraft (The Minecraft Journals- just published Day 55), although it has to adhere to certain storyline requirements.  If you want downloadable short stories, I have a few Word versions of some stories, not all.  Here's the main site with the download links:
Hope you enjoy them!

PS: Tell me if you think I'm acting a bit too happy here.  I'm usually not like this, it's just that I will get to finish who knows how many ED shorts I started.  And by the way, I know RuneScape has an even better storyline (I mean, the Mahjarrat...)  It's just that right now I'm not playing RS.
PPS: Concerning the first ED short I will publish: I started it last December.  I stopped work on it in January.  So yeah, it's kind of outdated.

The Minecraft Journals- Day 55

Nick woke up the following day and stared up into the starry darkness above him.  He pulled out the book he had found last night.  Might as well find something to do.  He began to read.
It was a few hours later when Nick finally reached the next entry after Day 50.  His stomach growled.

Hi Journal,
Nothing special going on.  Just another day, you know?

Dog 1 seems to like to fight.  He always comes with me on my hunting trips.  It always feels better to be fighting with a friend.
Dogs 2 through 5 always guard my little house.  They protect it while I'm hunting.
Dog 6 is a great sleeper.  He only comes out of the wolfhouse for food.
Dog 7 likes to dig holes.  She has already constructed a wolf-size dugout that I can't go into.
Dog 8 is the young wolf who's very playful.  She likes to run around my house.

Speaking of Dog 7, yesterday she uncovered the rest of the black rock.  It's in a perfect wall shape, with a two by three hole near the middle.  I wonder if the wall surrounded a fallen civilization, protecting the inhabitants day and night.  I wonder if the intruders of the civilization invaded through that hole in the rock.  I do wonder, Journal.  I do wonder.

I cannot wonder now, however.  My wheat is golden and ready for harvesting.  I'll share some of the bread with Dog 7.  Something tells me she deserves it.

Picture Day! (And the 50th Post!)

Lava in an abandoned mine shaft...

Cave spiders!

Gold ore.

Iron and Redstone, all in this Abandoned Mine Shaft.

It's not a hack or a glitch...

Diamond in an Abandoned Shaft!  (But then you see Bedrock, too...)

Thank you for wasting 500 of my credits, Lawman.


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Back to Minecraft I go.

Well, guys, my internet is really hammering me.  It's so slow on the Speakeasy Speed Test my download speed is 0.02 mbps.  (Click on the link and find out what I mean by "slow".)  So, sigh.  I have turned back to Minecraft for entertainment.  But Minecraft did give me entertainment today and then some...

This spot was nonexistent for a week or so, but it's coming back (for now)!  Today I was working on my farm and riding pigs on one world.  But that's not what I'm gonna be telling you guys about today.  I made another world today, named "Boom!".  (Hint, hint.)  I was planning on making tunnels down, filling them with TNT, and then lighting the top TNT.  (I call 'em TNT tunnels.)  It's good fun.
So as I was digging down for my first TNT tunnel, I heard the sound of a mob.  But I was underground.  So...
I finished my tunnel, blew it up, and ran toward a natural (generated when the world was generated) cave.  These caves (if you haven't already discovered) are really fun to explore.  But this cave was about to bring a whole new level to fun.
It was a network of caves.  I entered that network through a tiny cave.  But in that cave, I found a zombie spawner.  Several caves later, I found a skeleton spawner.  These spawners, folks, are my very first wild-found ones.  And these caves are so fun to explore.
                               ^Does lapis lazuli actually have a use in Minecraft?
                               ^By the way, I freed the sheep.  And then I killed it.
                                ^Note that lava is just under the diamond ore.

A few words of advice to those daring explorers:

1. If you are in Survival, bring food.  These caves occasionally have Mushrooms, but that's about it.
2. Come in your best gear.  You really don't want to be entering one of these with a wooden sword and leather armor.
3. Bring torches.  Lots.  I use torches both as a light source and to mark my path in the caves.
4. Bring a bow and arrow.  Sometimes, melee is not an option.
5. If you are sure you have conquered a cave, you can go search for a new one by making a TNT tunnel (see above).  You can randomly encounter new caves, and the fun starts all over again.
6. Always be on your guard.  This is essential to survival.

Good luck, and may the Force be with you you never run out of food.


The bunny weapons are now gone.  (You can qq moar now, nub.  The April Fool's weapons are gone, too.) They brought some of the best non-varium gear ever.  Sniff.  And what came in last Friday's update?  Nothing noticeable.  The rarity tag on Delta Knight was changed from Seasonal-Rare to Rare.  And now, NPCs are able to deflect guns and auxiliaries.
This one caused a bit of controversy in the EpicDuel Forums.  I mean, now Titan and Caden, with their high tech, are able to deflect like heck.
All I can say?  No better, no worse.  And I'm still waiting for the Infernal Infiltration War.  (It was renamed.)

When I was playing ED today, I got matched up with John Menzies in a 2vs2.  This John Menzies ingame, a lvl 34 full varium tech mage, is one and the same as John Menzies on the ED Forums.  I think this guy is an adult.  After all, which teenager acutally uses his punctuation and capitals in battle chat?  He invited me to join his faction (The Exiled Legends).  I declined.  Sorry, bro.  In case if you didn't notice, I'm running my own faction here, and it's called Gatekeepers.

That's it guys!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Minecraft Journals- The Discovery

Nick yawned.  Here in the Nether, he could not go to sleep.  He would explode.  Eyes half open, Nick continued digging up.  He placed ladders along the way to help him stay up.
Blocks and blocks later, Nick dug right out of the Nether.  Facing rows and rows of bedrock, Nick could only wonder one thing.
"How did I get here?"
Bedrock is too hard for ordinary miners to get through.  Nick checked his inventory.  Stacks of netherrack.  A few iron tools.  Cooked porkchops.  A melon.  A couple of eggs.  That was it.  No bedrock.
Finding no explanation, Nick put up the ladders anyway climbed onto the top of the Nether.
Above him was the Void.  No being, human or otherwise, belonged there.  Nick had heard stories about the people who had tried to climb to the top of the world...None of them had ever come down.  Shivering, Nick wandered around the bedrock a bit before finding a red cover.  A few steps away, some pages.  A little later on, the back.
"A book?"
No doubt, it was a book.  Nick pulled out an egg and broke it.  He used the yolk to glue back the pages together.  Putting the cover in place, he read the title.  Journey by an Unknown.  Huh.  Too much excitement for one night.
Nick decided to sleep here.  Pulling out a bed and placing it on the bedrock, Nick lay down...
The bed did not explode.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Text-based, you say?

We meet again, people.  Well, I have a lot to talk about on this one new thing.

Introducing... Idk what's it gonna be called!~~~

Ever since yesterday, I've been working furiously at a Python-based text game.  I don't know what to call it yet, though.  You mainly navigate through text boxes (typing in what you want to do).  It involves classes, battle, that kind of thing...You know, sorta like DragonFable?

Sample snippet of code!
redeem=raw_input("Type in your code here.")
if redeem==MWOGviewer:
     print "You have recieved the Ice Sword for viewing my blog!"
Hint, hint.


Correction about last ED post.  The Delta Knight is actually a seasonal.  So I went and put it up on the forums, next thing I know, people are saying that it's an ultra because...milestone, first armor promo since founder, etc...until I crash the party by saying that it's actually a seasonal.  (Master Volcon agrees.)

Oh, yes.  About rolling in the Variumz.  ReconnaisX currently has 9518 Artix Points, all from offers.  And there are a few more offers that have been reported to customer service staff...You see where I'm going?



So today, the rest of my family went out for dinner, leaving me home.  Why?  I asked for it. 
While they were gone, I met up with a friend online via Gmail Chat to try and set up a Minecraft server.  Result?  Unsuccessful.  First, I did it the old-fashioned (at least for me) way, downloading the files, putting the files into a folder, and then finally going to the Server properties, where I turned "online-mode" to "false".  Just a little snack guys (+1 if you get the reference)  problem...Online mode to false.  So my friend couldn't connect.  The computer wouldn't take the alpha server.  So yeah, we screwed up.  And that whole thing wasted an hour of our lives.  A whole hour.

Video Section~~


Friday, April 27, 2012

The Minecraft Journal- The Voyage

The Ender Dragon did not touch the book.  Leaving it alone, the dragon flew away.
A breeze started to pick up.  The book followed the wind.  It finally fell off the End.
Drifting through space, the book floated for years and years before finally coming upon a gravitational field.  It was pulled in and landed on hard bedrock.  Mushrooms grew here and there on the rock, life in such a desolate place.
And the book knew.  It knew it was on top of the Nether.

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Minecraft Journal- Fiftieth Day

Hiya Journal.  I finally finished that house, and made a wolfhouse as well.  Why?  I discovered a pack of wolves in the tundra who took a liking to me and followed me home.  They're great pets, and loyal comrades in battle.  I'm serious.  The wolves chased off a creeper that was getting too close while I was making a fire for supper.  I've decided to call the wolves Dog.  The name just popped up in my head when I woke up today.

I've discovered a patch of wild fruit, so that should keep us going for a while and make up for those zombies that trampled my Wheat crops yesterday night.  But that's not as exciting as the other discovery that I made.  I have found an underground layer of black rock.  It is very hard and rough.  My pickaxes cannot break it, and they break themselves trying to mine the black rock.  What could such a hard rock be used for?

I suppose I should sleep on this question.

The Enderman finally looked up from the book to find that his friend had disappeared.  Worse yet, the Ender Dragon was looking at him, straight in the face.
"What are you doing?" 
"Uhhhh..."  He could not find a plausible excuse.
The Enderman felt no pain as the fireball collided with his body, causing it to explode.

RuneScape? Hmmm...

Hello people.  Sorry that I'm not updating this blog as much as I should be. (Contains images.)


"The penultimate chapter of the saga..."
At least, that's how I think it went in the 'What's New' box.

The Archives really do look great, graphically.  I see that they have moved Lepus and redone her animation.  So now, her nose twitches, and then, when she makes her discovery, her ears go straight up and she waves her paws wildly.  Are they aiming for 'cute' here? O_O

Too bad they moved the release back.  'Nuff said here.  BUT...

I will now present a very interesting ED discovery:
I was surfing the DNs archives today when I found a post (written by Nightwraith) with this picture:

One should note that this post was written early April.  Anyhow, do you see what I see?  If you don't, I'll tell you: NW has equipped the Overlord E Shotgun in this picture.
And then one should note that Old Fortune City (along with its corresponding weapons, including the Overlord E Shotgun) was released late August.
Huh.  Must be a developer thing.

And one more thing.  Yesterday, I was looking at Cinderella's Twitter, when I saw a conversation.  The asker asked what the Blueprint Scraps were for, and she replied that they would be of use in another saga.  I'm guessing that the Blueprint Scrap missions will soon go rare.  Better to be safe than sorry, people.  Hurry up and get those scraps.


First things first.  How that minecraft file crashed?  That world is now offically buried.  So much for exploration.
I haven't taken on any major Minecraft adventures lately, as I've been spending more time in EpicDuel.
This is such a disappointing section.  Sorry guys.


So lately, my friend's been back on RS.  Prior to this blog post, I did not really mention anything about RuneScape on this blog.  I have an old account on RS, almost five years.  It's something like a light switch: on, off, on, off.
RuneScape was a nice game back then, and I liked it.  I quit it because, well, my friends moved on to other games, and I liked to stick to them.
I temporarily took a break from EpicDuel last summer, as I returned to RS.  It was then that I really discovered RuneScape.  When I played it for the first few months/years, all I knew was combat (thusly leading to the fact that my sisters had higher level production skills while I was a higher combat level.
Enough of that story, even though I used to go revenant hunting with my two friends (when I was still relatively new to RS) there's more to it. 
I went on last night and tried the Squeal of Fortune.  Meh.  My opinion?  Made RuneScape worse.
So, if I feel like it, you might be seeing more of RS in this blog!


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Well, this is certainly interesting...

Hello again, guys.  I was originally going to hold this post off until later, but it seems that there are a few things I want to talk about.

EpicDuel- Delta 1.4.4b

That's it?

With this release, the Bionic Battalion saga concludes.  Also, there are a few interesting things here that were not entirely new with this update:

  • Xraal is one of the Order.
  • It is assumed that the Order is Sekk, Navarro, Tamaril, and Xraal.  But how come Xraal doesn't look like them?
  • This is all the Slayer's fault, but on the flip side, if he weren't here, you wouldn't get up to three thousand rating points.
  • One of the "dangerous areas" in the Biodome (to the right of ElectroHazard) has been unblocked.
  • ElectroHazard is a vegetarian.  O_O     Wait a minute.  Oh, wow.
    • Quoted from Myxoma:  
      • Like the 'do? Not my usual style, but it's worth it
        for the answers concealed in the Archives. That
        Hazard blocking our path got a mouthful of the
        techno-organic poison
        I used to dye my hair,
        and a headful of new programming, so he
        shouldn't be a problem for us any longer.
The Bionic Battalion cheevo is worth 1.5k rating points, making the BB Saga rating points on par with the HB Saga rating points.
It's a very nice story, the whole saga itself.  At least the only human in this one (at least "main character") is the player.  And an underground place storing history from the very beginning of time--controlled by robotlike creatures--advanced civilzation beneath the ground-- See, this is how sci-fi novels start.  Oh yeah, and Mr. Cottontail really had me on a cliffhanger for weeks- What are the Archives?  Now, it's How does he know about them?

One note about this final round of saga missions.  There are two types of saga missions this time around: Those that reward Equipment Packs, and those that reward Carrots.  You need to turn in four Packs to Myxoma (who has been relocated to the entrance of the Archives), who will give you Spare Parts.  You need to turn in the Spare Parts to Mr. Cottontail, who will then award you the cheevo.
The other type is the "Blueprint Scrap" type.  No player knows the use of the Blueprint Scrap, yet it just seems important, so we collect it from a mission.  (It will probably be used after the Saga conclusion.)  You have to turn in the Toxic Sludge from last week to Lepus for the Scrap.  Otherwise, you will have to buy it from Myxoma for 2,000 Credits.  By the way, Lepus has a mission that awards two thousand credits upon completion, so that oughta help.

One last note: This week's Saga missions feature some pretty tough high-level enemies.

Balance Changes... for the Fiftieth Time.

Well, it appears that RabbleFroth is at it again!  This week, I can report that the planned nerf for Tech Mages has arrived.  It changed Plasma Rain's improve stat, so now, it improves with Dexterity.  By the way, this also hit Blood Mages pretty hard.  But, the equation must be balanced.  So now, Super Charge improves with Technology.

My god, I'm seeing some pretty good builds.

 ^My ideal inventory, assuming I was a nomad and that this would be the only time I would cheat in the world.

Three-Cheese Combo

So I was out searching for a stronghold today.  I was flying, throwing eye after eye after Eye of Ender.  (I was in Creative.)  Eventually, I gave up and set down in a little cave.  Going inside the cave, I kept on walking until I realized that I had uncovered an underground lava/water chamber.  Seeing as I had given up on my search, I jumped down. 
I was walking along the water until I realized Minecart Tracks were poking out.  Naturally, I ran over to investigate and confirmed it was an Abandoned Mine Shaft.  So now I was inside the shaft, just taking down cobwebs and doing my ususal business.
Then I saw an Iron Door.  They aren't generated in shafts, so that had to mean... a lava/water chamber was intersecting an Abandoned Mine Shaft, which intersected a Stronghold.  I think I almost choked.  So I started running around the Stronghold, going *fistpump*.  (By the way, I found two creepers and one regular spider in the Stronghold.  How'd they get there?
Unfortunately, I did not find an Ender Portal as I forgot just where in the Stronghold I eventually traveled to.  And then my Minecraft crashed and as of now, still will not get back up.

And I'm still going *Woah*...


PS:  Some Youtube videos, finally!


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Minecraft Journal- Fourty-sixth Day

"Finish that book already!" the Enderman next to him hissed.  He radiated a violent purple spark.  "We'll get in trouble if we're discovered!"
"Just a little longer," murmured the other.  He turned the page.
Hi Journal, long time no see.  I've been starting again lately, and it's not long until it's time to harvest the second crop of wheat.
I've started a new town.  It's not a dugout kind.  It's a fort.  Day and night I was chopping down trees to craft into planks for the walls.  It's not that good, but it's better than nothing.
I made myself a house of stone, with little daisies at the entrance.  It's simple, but I like it. 
I channeled the river into the fort so that I would have something to drink.  That was hard.
I've been thinking about building another house.  Is it possible that there are more of my kind?


Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Minecraft Journal- Thirty-second Day

I've really been acting like a caveman for the past few days.

When I killed a pig (with my bare fists), I had an urge to go cook it in my furnace.  But then, I remembered that I wasn't at home.  So I ate the meat raw.  It wasn't half bad.

My shelters have become caves (some with unfortunate occupants).  Every single night, as the moon comes out, I just sit next to a rock and wonder, Will I ever find my home?

But of course, I have to get a grip and move on.  I will have to assume that I will never be able to find my home again.  It's better to start again rather than die of starvation in another dimension.

Remember, get a grip.


Monday, March 26, 2012

The Minecraft Journal- Twenty-Sixth Day

I wonder what happened to him? thought the Enderman as he turned the next page.
I lost everything except for this book today.  I was camping in the tundra when all of a sudden, I heard the sounds of wolves and chickens running.  But from what? 
Within a few seconds, I found out.  Coming my way was a stream of lava that light up the night, making it as bright as day.  It set fire to the trees and melted ice and snow, making it impossible for many animals to escape.  The stream of lava swallowed up all of my possessions except for this, which I always carry with me.  So I ran from the lava, and here I am in another valley.

Closer to home or further from home?  I can't tell, and now night is coming.


Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Minecraft Journal- Twenty-third Day

"What the heck is this?" asked one Enderman, showing a book to another.
"Obviously a book," replied the other Enderman, searching through a pile of items.  "Don't disturb me, I'm searching this guy's stuff."
"No, no.  There's writing in it."
"Are you sure it's not enchantments?"
"Don't we already know what enchantment books look like already?  I mean, the number of humans the Dragon kills..."
"Hmm, okay, fine."  The busy Enderman stopped his work and picked up the book.

I made this book today.  There's really nothing to do with it, to I took pencil to the paper here and I guess I'll start a journal.

I was out pig hunting today with my stone sword.  I got lost and as night approached, I panicked.  I ran everywhere through the night.  Luckily I have armor, even though it's only stone.  I made a temporary dugout and waited till morning.  I came out and I'm still searching for my house.  Wish me luck, Journal.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hissing sounds outside of my house D:

I've temporarily dropped ED for now as I move on to Minecraft.  I'll start from right now, working backward.  I've got something kind of scary to tell you.


Yeah, that's what's happening right now.  As I type this blog post, I can hear zombie groans and spider hisses somewhere near me.  Or maybe I messed up and there's a band of silverfish outside of my blocked-off underground mine.  (I was mining in a staircase format when I found a cave.  I poured a bucket of water down, dunno why.  :3 )  And there's the next scary part.  I can hear something tromping through the lake near my house.  Either that, or it's in my underground cave mine river.  (That supports my silverfish theory.)  I really don't know what to do.  I don't even have armor yet.

Earlier, I saw an Enderman as I made my daily (MC time) run to kill some pigs for pig meat.  I was like, WTF Endermen can survive in the light?  Later, as I was running back (it was getting dark), it started to rain.  I wonder what happened to the Enderman.


I restart Oblivion and start anew.  As darkness approaches, I quickly dig a dugout.  (Btw, that's my house.)  I start learning how to craft more things and I make a better life than last time (and I'm not using hacks or anything of that kind).  I download INVedit, the minecraft inventory editor.  It comes in handy for my Pig Factory, my temporary Survival Server.  (Lifespan: A few hours.)  Based off of a pig spawner trap video I saw on Youtube the day before, I try to recreate the trap.  Fail.  My pig cage becomes too crowded, so pigs start spawning outside of the cage walls.  Soon- Epic Lag from Sea of Pink.  My water becomes frozen (I was at an cold, icy place).  So I give up.
My second Pig Factory is no more successful, although I find my first NPC village.  The next day at school, one of my friends tells me I should have set fire to it ("It's fun.").


Bring out the Blocks: A Mainly Minecrafted Post

 *NOTE* This is an old draft that I'm publishing today becuase it wouldn't fit in today's regular blog post.  This draft is about three days old.

Well, today I embarked on a legendary task in the world of Minecraft: to contain the zombies.  (I was playing the Pocket app.)
I came up with the idea when I finally got tired of Zombies ambushing me in the dead of night.  I couldn't see because I had no torches set up, and to torch the entire Minecraft world really would be something.  Plus, torches double as a horribly weak weapon.  (Hint: Ten torch strikes during the middle of night (zombies are not weakened by daylight yet) to kill a zombie, whereas five to a shovel, four to a pickaxe, and three to an axe.)
So I thought it would be just great if I could seclude a part of the Minecraft world with walls.  That fort would cover a place where zombies spawn.  I would patrol the top of the walls, looking out to see if there were any stragglers.  And when I felt like it, I could walk down from the top of the walls to ground level and massacre the zombies.  And for my amusement, I could dig a reaaaaaaaaaaly deep pool in the fort.  Then, when the zombies come for me, they fall into the pool and I watch as they splash, trying to get out.  In that case, I can kill the zombies while they are in the pool for my amusement.  
And I would be able to see, twenty-four seven.  How, you ask?  Well, I torch the walls of my fort (inside and outside optional, as in I feel like torching walls and getting chased by zombies outside of the comfort of my fort).  So, yeah.  Wouldn't that be nice?
I set to work on my great project.  I spent about ten minutes on the actual fort, then I moved on to bigger things.  Why, you ask (again)?
The zombies were coming across bodies of water.  Also, I *like to round up zombies and slaughter them*.  I like to jump zombies, not the other way around.  I was confident that if I *spent enough time*, I would finish... the Great Wall of Minecraft!
*Two hours later*
I give up.  And so that concludes my experience on Minecraft Pocket Edition (That was yesterday, to be exact.)
I learn a crapload of information from the Minecraft Wiki, my newly discovered best friend related to all things Minecraft.  Applying this to Minecraft, I first go onto my own private survival world, Oblivion.  (My private creative world is Azgard.)  The big discovery of the day (or was it?  Did I make that discovery earlier?) is an underground cavern, not man-made.  I go into it and randomly start mining with my bare fists.  (Yeah, way to go, but I don't know how to craft anything yet.)  I pick up some flint from a rock that turns out to be gravel.  Actually remembering something logical, I start looking for steel.  (Hello?  There is no such thing has steel ore.  Whoops.)  Later, I discover on the MC Wiki that it's iron I'm supposed to be looking for.  Oh.
Back to Oblivion.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

ED DNs 3/7/12, Minecraft, and Moar

Hello guys, I was away for most of today so these things are coming in a bit late.

EpicDuel Design Notes: March 7, 2012

New Gear!
YESSSS! Oh it's varium.  Running out of it on my tech mage.  (Upside: 2000 Artix Points in my account, so what am I waiting for?)

Bionic Brigade!

 Bionic Weapons The Bionic Battlegear in all of its glory.  The stats are *good* for a Blood Mage.

Bio BorgTreeBot! :D

I think this was an episode of the Power RangersI'm more concerned about Nightwraith's level.

Thorn Assault*ooh spiky thorns*

Fresh Bio Hazard SkewersFirst time I ever felt sorry for the Hazard.

Game of Thorns*moar thorns*

Lucky You!

They're back!

When are they coming back?  Last release, they weren't here.

That concludes the EpicDuel section.  (All photos were taken directly from the EpicDuel Design Notes page.


I beat the boss.  I don't want to spoil something about him, so if you don't want to read spoilers, don't go to the following link.  If you do, then go.  The link: 

After you beat the game, they give you a choice whether or not to restart the game in Hardcore.  Pros: You can use every weapon you have unlocked(everything).
Cons: Zombies are harder to beat.

Make this choice wisely, you will not be able to get back to it unless if you beat Night 28 again. (and that was a *hell* of a time)

By the way, I bought the Coop and Pigpen.  If you don't know what they are, a Coop supplies unlimited Chicken Bombers.  A Pigpen supplies unlimited Pigbulls.  So now, I can do Night 1 without lifting a gun finger.


So peer pressure got to me.  Everyone's going on about MINECRAFTMINECRAFTDIDUBUYIT?  I was stuck alone with EpicDuel.  And so I made an account.  I downloaded the app for the iPad.  And here I am.  It's actually not too bad.  I like the concept of being able to remove anything, and build with materials.  Sorta like Legos.  Just a few complaints:
1.  Minecraft people...I saw my little sister in-game and I freaked out (she was the first Minecraft person I saw in-game)
2.  Wifi connections for iPhone, iPod and iPad:  Seriously?  We have to connect to the same network?
3. Zombies:  Oh please.  I thought of Pedo Bear when I first saw one.

I hate digging my little sister out of holes she created by just pointing her pickaxe in one direction and spamming the action.  I'm like, build a freaking staircase!  Does she care?  No.
